John lives in Laguna, Philippines, but also inside his head. Ever since writing that fan-fiction of The Matrix when he was six–wherein Neo had a magical bracelet that took him to other times and places–he hasn't stopped thinking about and making words, sentences, and stories.
Sometimes he writes these things down: superhero comics inspired by his friends, drawn and storyboarded during sleepy History class; notebooks after notebooks of what he had liked to call his "novels" about a missing puzzle piece (it's a metaphor) or Spanish assassins or French star-crossed lovers; pads of yellow paper filled with unfinished snippets, unedited short stories, unrealized ideas.
Sometimes he types these things down: through multiple Tumblr accounts, constantly undergoing reinvention, constantly being deactivated and reactivated, deleted and created and, finally, through a blog that had been present in years and outgrown the constant urge to delete everything and start all over again.
John hasn't made and written any story in years, opting to instead read the books written by those who were more patient and more determined. However, as he has grown a liking towards non-fiction, he, too, has practiced the different, but still interesting act of reviewing and assessing what he had read.
John continues on lazily exploring the worlds inside and outside his mind, while still bound in the comfort of his own room. Someday, he will get out of the house and actually explore the world. But for now, he is content on getting his daily dose of culture through viral tweets and essays created by people from all around the globe.
Currently, John is simultaneously enjoying the present life and worrying over his future.